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The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set

机译:布丁针法四角的幂律   康托尔集



Let $C_n$ be the $n$-th generation in the construction of the middle-halfCantor set. The Cartesian square $K_n$ of $C_n$ consists of $4^n$ squares ofside-length $4^{-n}$. The chance that a long needle thrown at random in theunit square will meet $K_n$ is essentially the average length of theprojections of $K_n$, also known as the Favard length of $K_n$. A classicaltheorem of Besicovitch implies that the Favard length of $K_n$ tends to zero.It is still an open problem to determine its exact rate of decay. Untilrecently, the only explicit upper bound was $\exp(- c\log_* n)$, due to Peresand Solomyak. ($\log_* n$ is the number of times one needs to take log toobtain a number less than 1 starting from $n$). We obtain a power law bound bycombining analytic and combinatorial ideas.
机译:假设$ C_n $是构造中半部Cantor集的第n代。 $ C_n $的笛卡尔正方形$ K_n $由边长为$ 4 ^ {-n} $的$ 4 ^ n $个正方形组成。在单位平方中随机扔出的长针与$ K_n $相遇的机会实质上是$ K_n $投影的平均长度,也就是Favard长度$ K_n $。贝西科维奇(Besicovitch)的一个经典定理意味着$ K_n $的Favard长度趋于零,确定其确切衰减率仍然是一个未解决的问题。直到最近,由于Peresand Solomyak的影响,唯一明确的上限是$ \ exp(-c \ log_ * n)$。 ($ \ log_ * n $是从$ n $开始获取日志以获取小于1的数字的次数)。我们通过将分析和组合思想相结合来获得幂定律。



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